If I had money for every time I have been asked that question….

The answer is simple. I’m single because I refuse to settle.

It’s not that my standards are too “high”, but I have Fathers who set an amazing example for how a man should treat me. Christ is my standard. I don’t want a relationship unless the relationship points to Christ. He also gave me this amazing man on Earth that I had the pleasure of calling “daddy.” Not only did he treat me like a princess, but he showed me that I deserved to be treated like one. After all, I am the daughter of the King of Kings. So yes, I may have “high” standards, but I will never apologize for having them! One of my favorite quotes about being single is this: “She’s single because she refuses to change her relationship status for someone who falls short of what she deserves. Knowing her self-value, she’s chosen to preserve a spot in her heart for a real man, someone mature enough to understand that loyalty, commitment, and honesty is a priority and not an option.” I know what I deserve and I do not mind waiting for it!

Every day I am given is a precious gift. Why waste this time with meaningless relationships just so I can say that I am dating? Am I saying that I don’t want to go on a date with a guy unless I think I can marry him? No. But I do believe there is no point in being in a relationship if it isn’t going anywhere. My time is a gift. So while I’m waiting on the man that deserves my time, I’m becoming the best version of myself that I can be. I’m finding myself, loving myself, growing friendships, developing a deeper relationship with my Savior, getting fit, becoming confident, and going on adventures and creating experiences that are changing my life. And I know that while I’m busy focusing on becoming the best me I can be, my future husband is somewhere in the world working on his goals and dreams. One day, in God’s perfect timing, our worlds will meet.

While I am in the process of waiting for Mr. Right, I don’t want to waste my singleness. I want to focus on what God wants for me in this time of my life. Matthew 6: 33 states “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” No need for me to worry, because I know that what God has for me is mine! My singleness is my preparation period. I’m preparing myself to become that Proverbs 31 woman my future husband and family will need, the woman who is worth far more than rubies (Proverbs 31:10). I know that my singleness is not my final destination. God knows my dreams and my hopes for the future. You know, the fairytale wedding and to become a wife and a mommy one day. But God made this promise to me: “The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right” (Psalm 84:11). So I will rejoice in the fact that God has not overlooked me, but He has a future for me far greater than I can ever imagine.

I also know my heart is precious to God and to my future husband. Daily I choose to guard my heart from being hurt and broken by meaningless relationships. When I am eventually in a long-term relationship, I won’t have to compare him to my 7 other previous boyfriends…or have the drama and heartbreak that comes with those exes for that matter. So I will guard my heart and focus on my relationship with Jesus, which is ultimately the best relationship you can ever have!

Why am I still single? Because I am allowing God to be the matchmaker of my life and one day I will marry the right person and I will have God’s permission (and my daddy’s).

5 thoughts on “Why am I still single?

  1. So true caylene keep your eye on Jesus and when it is right he will send you a Godly man that will serve the lord with you I no when its right he will send me one to only if he serve God to so Gald to read this thank you for thrusting in jesus


  2. Amen. I agree with you. In fact, I’ve written some articles on this subject. I’d love for you to check them out for encouragement. You’re on the right track. Nice to run into you. And so amazing. I cling to that same promise in Psalm 84. God bless you.


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